Ask Me Anything: Business, Personal, and More!
On this week’s episode, I opened it up to all of you to submit questions you had for me. And you guys had some good ones! Be sure to hit play now where I answer everything from business, personal, and more! Below you’ll find a few that were submitted. Tune into the episode to hear all the Q&A goodness.
Business Questions
Q: What are the top free tools you recommend? I’m just starting out and don’t have a huge budget.
A: You can grab this freebie that includes the 5 tools I use in my business daily. They help me stay organized and efficient. Plus, this blog post is full of info about the tools that are helpful for our team too!
Q: What’s your best daily habit?
A: I practice gratitude every single day. I dive into the details of my daily practice in this episode HERE. It allows my mind to wander, become more creative, and overall feel more balanced.
Personal Questions
Q: Do you have a name picked out for baby number two yet?
Truthfully, no. I’m having a hard time deciding. Any suggestions? Send them my way!
Q: How do you balance mom life and running a business?
A: There’s no such thing as balance, but I make intentional choices. I’ve learned to say no to things, and I try to implement boundaries in my business.
Q: What was your most recent purchase?
A: Bacon jam on Amazon! LOL 😉
Rapid-Fire Questions
Q: What am I currently watching?
A: Gilmore Girls (again) and just watched Single All the Way on Netflix – super cute!
Q: What am I currently craving?
A: Pickles and Starbucks holiday drinks
Q: What are you currently listening to?
A: Taylor Swift’s version of RED
Q: What are you currently reading?
A: Big Magic audiobook
If you want to submit a question for our next ask-me-anything episode, send an email to podcast@thenotoiremediahouse.com, and we will be sure to cover it!
If you’re enjoying the podcast so far, would you do me the biggest favor and leave a review on iTunes? It makes a HUGE impact on the podcast, and it makes me do a happy dance. 🙂
Do you have a topic you want me to cover in a future episode? Let me know in the comments below!